I am a qualified Neuro-linguistic Programming Practitioner, NLP Trainer and Hypnotherapist living in Perth Australia and have a passion for my work. I help people to find their true selves and rediscover their inner power again.
I was born 53 years ago in a small-town East of Johannesburg, South Africa. Just a happy baby with no idea what life still holds for me.
Memories I have of me as a little boy are of me helping other children in the neighbourhood, making them feel better, consoling them after a hiding (those were still the years of hidings) and even doing ‘operations’ for aches and pains. After school I started off with a medical career (those years you either become a doctor or an attorney) but then my mother died of cancer very suddenly after every possible treatment failed. A part of me died with her. During this time of grief and shock I left the medical field and I started over with education and ended up teaching Dutch poetry and psychology at University level. After 5 years of giving my heart and soul to the students another shock came in the form of student unrest and violence on the campus which resulted in my car being set alight. I remember that day looking from my office window almost in a trance, not believing what was happening. It was the gentle voice and quick thinking of my student assistant bringing me back to reality and saving me from the campus.
The next 15 years took me into the world of antiques, a fascinating and beautiful world. Working with beauty and history, it took me on a wonderful journey, exploring every possible aspect of this magical world. Buying treasures from remote Karoo farms in the South African to castles and monasteries in France, Romania and Hungary.
Managing an Antique business with sometimes broken down delivery trucks on highways and carrying furniture (weighing tons) up hills to houses at the top (for the rich) ?, I sometimes wished that a helping spirit would came and save me. My wish came true (much to my horror) when strange things begin to happen in my antique shop. Slamming doors, clocks flying through mid-air – it was also my first contact with real ‘spirits’ (ghosts) – and it took quite a few ‘spiritual’ friends to help the spirits move on (and out of the shop) again.
It was on an isolated beach somewhere in Mozambique where I got ‘the call’. For some time, I was feeling a growing emptiness, a feeling that a life cycle which has come to an end. Sometime before this I did ‘The Mankind project’ course where a wise looking old man looked intensely at me over a candle and asked: “Who do you serve”? For the first time in my life the usual and easy answer did not seem ‘to fit’ anymore. I just stared back at him with a dry throat. On that day on the beach, the wind blew a magazine over the sand and I caught it. It fell open on an article about NLP and it was like I saw a door being opened into my future. And so, my next journey began, a world so much more gripping and fascinating than I have ever known before. I studied NLP and hypnosis in South Africa, England and America.
Since the end of 2011; I have moved to the beautiful city of Perth, Western Australia and am practising in North Perth. Becoming a citizen of this beautiful country gave me sense of belonging and connection again.
I enjoy the sun, sea, parks and beautiful sunsets.
Come and join me on this journey during a very significant time on Mother Earth. Let us all discover and remember who we really are!
For a Coaching session, bookings can be made by phone: +61(0)415884742 or by clicking on ‘Book a Session’ above.