This short technique allows a person to move to different perceptual positions and experience themselves through the eyes of people who love and care for them. I always make this part of any series of coaching sessions. I have found that most people have a less than favorable view of themselves.
Experiencing love. To be done with great rapport and love.
- Let the client sit relaxed, eyes closed and take deep slow breaths. Breathing in to the count of 6 and breathing out to the count of 6. Do it 7 times. While the client is doing it ask the client to focus on the heart, imagining breathing in a beautiful white light into the heart with every in breath.
- When the client is relaxed (callibrate to breathing, facial tonus, skin colour, etc) tell the client that you are slowly going to count of 3 and on the count of 3, allow 3 or more people in the client’s life who really love and care about them, ‘appear’ in the room. Begin to count and on the count of 3 you can say: Just allow the 3 or more people’s energy to come into the room right now. Give a few seconds and callibrate again. If uncertain just ask the client if the people are there.
- Say: “Good, now very gently I want you to thank each of them for being here and give me an indication when you have done that. Take all the time you need.
- Say: “I would like you to very slowly and gently move your awareness outside of yourself and move towards one of the three people. Who ever you feel drawn to first. Gently go to that person and ask permission to move your awareness and energy into that person so that you look through that person’s eyes and hear through that person’s ears; looking at yourself sitting there on the couch/chair.You might become aware of the feelings and sensations in the body of that person. And I want you to become aware of the special love that person in feeling for you. Do that now.” Callibrate. Give some time.
- Say: Now, thank that person for allowing this and gently and lovingly move your awareness out of that person and go the next person. Stand in front of this person, and ask permission to to the same. Then gently move your awareness inside this person and become aware of the love this person is feeling for you as you look at yourself sitting there on the couch/chair, through the loving and soft eyes of this person.
- Repeat this process also for the other person/persons. If it becomes more than three of four the process might become too long. Rather less than more.
- Ask the client to give you an indication when this is done. Always say: Take all the time you need. This is a way of helping the process along and limit the time.
- “I want you to bring all that energy and everything you have experience back to you sitting here in the chair/couch, and let the integration take place.
- When you are ready you can open your eyes again.