NLP one day Introductory workshop

NLP one day Introductory workshop
  • Start Date: Saturday, 7 April 2018
  • End Date: Saturday, 7 April 2018
  • Price: AU$300.00
  • Course Code: INT01
  • Discounted Price: AU$ 250.00
  • Venue: Beatty Park Leisure centre

One day NLP Introductory workshop

This workshop is for everyone who:

  1. Are interested in the Mind Body connection, Human psyche, reprogramming of the mind and any related topics.
  2. Have heard about NLP and would like to find out more.
  3. Would like to have a real ecperience of NLP in action and Reprogramme some out dated programmes in their own lives.
  4. Might also be interested in becoming an certified NLP practioner by doing the full certified course at a later stage.
  5. Are just curious in genereal and have a interest in wellness and health.

On this one day workshop I will give a full overview of NLP, the basic content which is covered in the Practitioner course, demonstrate a few techniques live and also allow course attendees to have the opportunity to practise on one another some NLP techniques.

You will leave with change and you can keep the change; as long as you want. It’s all ok.

To book just click on the bookings on the courses and workshop page.
If you have any questions or want further information call my anytime for a chat.