Access Alignment (Eye magic)

Access Alignment NLP works with eye movements. Watching a person's eyes gives one a good idea how they process information and how the 'do their problem.' We can 'undo' this problem by installing a new eye movement strategy and collapse the new eye movement pattern on the old eye movement pattern. Steps: 1. When do they do the problem? Trigger. (Contextual) 2. How do they do it (get the negative feeling)? (Operation) Pause: 3. What’s the state they want instead? New state/feeling. Look at the eye movement pattern: When and How (same questions) 4.  Access the eye resourceful pattern and…
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6 Step Reframe

Although this process can be used for pretty much anything, it is most commonly used for behaviours and compulsions – e.g. panic attacks, phobias, addictions and any behaviour which the client has little or no conscious control over. It is one of the most powerful processes used in NLP and I sometimes combine it with some Time Line work. It can be done with various levels of trance. (more…)
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Belief Change

This is a very interesting Kinaesthetic way of changing a belief and it means that the client will walk into different spaces and into a new positive outcome belief. In incorporates anchoring and hypnotic language. (more…)
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Belief Change with Time Line

There are different ways of changing a belief with NLP techniques. The one most often taught on courses are the Submodality belief change process. In this video the Belief change technique I use is a Time Based technique and by re-imprinting the root cause the person can now look forward to study and pass an exam.
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Feeling love

This short technique allows a person to move to different perceptual positions and experience themselves through the eyes of people who love and care for them. I always make this part of any series of coaching sessions. I have found that most people have a less than favorable view of themselves. (more…)
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Integration of internal parts

In this video a younger part is integrated in the whole self. The limiting belief/s and a root cause event is healed and the 2nd perceptual position is used to accomplish this. There is also focus on the some somatic healing and specifically the stomach. (more…)
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Multiple Brain Integration

A Beautiful technique for integration of all the brains: Heart, Mind and Stomach. This technique which was developed by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu. (more…)
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Parts Integration

This process is one of the oldest but most powerful techniques in NLP and is a beautiful symbolic and hypnotic process.
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Perceptual Positions

First position: The client in their own reality, their own map of the world.  How they perceive and experience the 'problem'/relationship and how they feel about it. Second position: The client as the other person in the relationship.  Here the client experiences the situation, and themselves, from the other person's perspective. Third position: This is a more objective position.  The client sees the situation/relationship, themselves, and the other person, from a bit of a distance. (more…)
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