Belief Change

This is a very interesting Kinaesthetic way of changing a belief and it means that the client will walk into different spaces and into a new positive outcome belief. In incorporates anchoring and hypnotic language.

Belief change technique

This is best done in an open space to that the client can walk around

Ask the client for the following beliefs and write them down. An object representing each belief can also be found.

  • A. Current limiting belief that you want to change. E.g. I am not good enough. Make sure you get the full complex equivalent or cause effect. I am not good enough because I did not get the job I applied for.
  • B. A belief you used to believe but is no longer true. E.g. I used to eat meat when I was younger because I like it and now I have no desire for it anymore. Or I used to believe that pumpkin will give me red cheeks. Some belief which was true a long time ago but is not true for client anymore in the now.
  • C. A new belief to replace A. Make sure this is stated in the positive and the opposite of the limiting belief (A).
  • D. A belief which is absolutely true for the client. E.g. I love my children. The sun will shine tomorrow.

This technique works well in an open space where the client can walk and move around. NLP is about moving around, is it not? We are going to create 6 positions in a circle. Position 6 should end back on position 1. How you set up or draw the circle is up to you.

I have found that it works well if the client brings 4 objects which represent the 4 beliefs. The limiting belief in the now might be a photo or any object the client doesn’t want anymore, something they want to get rid of. Whatever it is, when the client holds this object they must get all the feelings representing the limiting belief.

Also find some representation with the other objects. Use one object for every belief. Even if it is just a piece of paper with a colour or a word on it, it is also ok.  For the Belief D (absolute truth), a photo of a loved one can work well or anything else from the client’s model of the world.

Put these four objects or papers outside the circle.

  1.  Start in position 1 and let the client state the limiting belief (A) and discuss situations where it limits the client in life currently. Fetch the first object. As the client talks and holding the object, help them to get the feeling in the body which goes with the limiting belief and anchor it. This is Anchor 1.
  2. Leave the object in position 1 and Move to position 2. Discuss belief B, the one which is absolutely not true anymore.  Let the client experience the feeling of doubt associated with this belief. The submodalities in the language should be representing distance, vagueness and the past. A smile of laughter is a good indication of it longer to be true. Get the associated feeling in the body and anchor it on the body. This is Anchor 2.
    Ask the client to bring belief A from position 1 (fetch the object) to position 2 and experience the same doubt now in relation to belief A. Bring the object representing belief A into position 2 and when client enters position 2 do a anchor collapse with Anchor 1 and 2. Anchor 2 will be the one which will be held longer. Put the object representing belief A (limiting belief) with the second object (belief B). The client can look at both now, it is not true (the limiting belief) anymore. Keep firing the anchor of doubt and the associate feelings representing the old belief.
  3. Move to position 3. You are now standing in your own museum of old beliefs. A quick trance induction can be done here to make the museum vivid and real. Look around you and here are all your old beliefs, the ones that no longer serve you. Ask the client to move belief A and B to position 3. Fetch the objects in position 2 and ask the client to file them or place them wherever they belong in the museum because we don’t need them any longer. These old beliefs were of use at some stage in time but now it is just for old memories and remembering how it used to be. Use lots of hypnotic suggestions.
  4. Move to position 4. Now we have a clean slate. Make sure you use language representing a new beginning. Change the voice tone and volume. Here we can create new beliefs. Let’s start with belief C. How do you think it looks, feels or sounds. The client can hold the object representing this belief to get the feelings. For the visual clients a strong visual image can be made. Draw on past experience if you wish. Build the belief up to a very strong state of desire. The stronger the state the better the belief change will work. Anchor this strong state on the body. Anchor C. Test the anchor. Leave the object in position 4.
  5. Move to position 5. Discuss the belief which is absolutely true. No doubt whatsoever. Hold the object representing this belief. As soon as the state of absolute truth is experienced, anchor it on the body. This is Anchor D.
    Ask the client to move belief C in position 4 to position 5. Fetch the object and do an anchor collapse with Anchor C and D. Anchor D will be the overriding anchor. Use lots of hypnotic language.
  6. Move to position 6. The client should be on position 1. This is the new sacred space. The beginning and the end, the hero’s journey is complete. Go within yourself to the Sacred Place where YOUR beliefs are stored. Make sure there is enough time for inner connection and silence. When the client is ready, let the client bring both objects representing C and D into position 6 into the sacred space.  It can be suggested that the client’s unconscious mind gives them a new symbol representing this new absolute truth and it can be stored in the sacred place. Encourage them to bring their hands up to their hearts as a symbolic gesture.
  7. Test and future pace. Make sure that you test this new belief on old triggers and contexts. Get at least 3 future possible scenario’s and test the new belief. Also focus on how the behaviour change with the new belief.