Multiple Brain Integration

A Beautiful technique for integration of all the brains: Heart, Mind and Stomach.

This technique which was developed by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu.

Integration of all the brains: Heart, Mind and Stomach

This technique which was developed by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu

Value: Acceptance

  1. Get the core value. How is the unfullfilment of it (acceptance) limiting the person?
  2. Imagine having the core value fully and totally. (Acceptance). Chunk up to highest state. Lightness, freedom, “feels amazing, feel like dancing on tables”
  3. Make symbol of core value (Acceptance) “Big bright yellow star” make
  4. Breathe into heart area and chest. (heart Brain) Expand and expand. Take star into heart.
  5. Move star up into the brain mind. Fill brain with star of ‘Acceptance’. Get new ideas and beliefs from the brain mind.
  6. Move back through throat (swallow) and back into heart. Bringing all the ne w beliefs with into the heart.
  7. Move star into stomach area. ‘Total Acceptance’
  8. Bring star energy of Acceptance back onto heart and integrate all three minds.
  9. Test and future pace with new behaviour.