A Beautiful technique for integration of all the brains: Heart, Mind and Stomach.
This technique which was developed by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu.
Integration of all the brains: Heart, Mind and Stomach
This technique which was developed by Marvin Oka and Grant Soosalu
Value: Acceptance
- Get the core value. How is the unfullfilment of it (acceptance) limiting the person?
- Imagine having the core value fully and totally. (Acceptance). Chunk up to highest state. Lightness, freedom, “feels amazing, feel like dancing on tables”
- Make symbol of core value (Acceptance) “Big bright yellow star” make
- Breathe into heart area and chest. (heart Brain) Expand and expand. Take star into heart.
- Move star up into the brain mind. Fill brain with star of ‘Acceptance’. Get new ideas and beliefs from the brain mind.
- Move back through throat (swallow) and back into heart. Bringing all the ne w beliefs with into the heart.
- Move star into stomach area. ‘Total Acceptance’
- Bring star energy of Acceptance back onto heart and integrate all three minds.
- Test and future pace with new behaviour.